Tuesday, January 26, 2010

♣ Applesauce ♣

Yeah... for some reason "clubs" reminds me of applesauce I guess *Shrugs* So you're basically probably sorta kinda totally and completely wasting your time reading this. So I appreciate it if you're still with me here. Have you guys ever felt just completely and totally restless? Like, I just need to get up and move, or do something, or run a mile, just something, just anything, just BREATHE! *stretches* I don't know why I'm like this... I get like this every so often, but it's been worse lately. Maybe it's my medication? Does anyone know if mood stabilizers cause you do feel overly restless? Cause like... I'm going crazy over here... No joke. I want to write... or maybe I should read? But reading makes me feel more restless. It's too dark and cold outside to go for a run, not that I would want to do that anyway... I think I might write... And watch TV... But not just one or the other. I want to multi-task, but I want to be left alone. Umm... Applesauce. I'm eating it. So yeah... I think this is anxiety... it's a side effect of my meds... Fuckletackers! Making up random [[odd]] words... Strange? Fun! Okay... I should go now! Hopefully this wear off! >.< Lata Hataz o.O

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